Farewell to Old Clothes

Farewell Pinstripe Suit! You have been in my closet for years now. Worn once.
I bought you for a job interview because they wanted the candidate to show up looking professional. I wowed them so much that they deemed me overqualified, a flight risk, and someone who wanted more. So the hired the girl who showed up super casual.
And now you are too big for me to justify keeping around for a “just in case” outfit. The corporate world, the land of professional suits and heels, it isn’t in my line of sight right now. And I’m okay with it. Mostly, except for the days that I’m not.

I know there are great things ahead for me. And there are good things for you, too, suit. You are gray with pretty blue pinstripe. Someone is going to feel unstoppable wearing you.

My First Half Marathon

**This post has sat unfinished in my drafts for over 2 months.  But as I told my friend recently, published is better than perfection, I’m pushing it out.**

When I started this blog I had this crazy idea that I was going to be a triathlete.  Even though I was overweight and out of shape.  Even though I hadn’t ridden a bike since I was in high school and I hadn’t run a whole mile since 10th grade.  I swam for fun, I didn’t swim for distance and time.

I still haven’t done my triathlon, but I have ridden a bike.  (Admittedly, I need to do that more.) I have swam laps in the pool until I was exhausted.

But the running part?  Ha! That, I can absolutely tell you I progressed on!

On June 5th I ran my first half marathon!  It was the third one I’ve signed up for – so I guess it was third time – the charm.  I ran the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon!

I started my training late.  I started my long runs in April.  Because my work schedule is a little erratic I could always depend on Sundays being free for long runs.  My idea was to increase my mileage by 1 mile each week.  I was in the middle of a round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and it got more difficult to balance that schedule with running and rest.  (And work which also got a little crazy.) For the most part this approach worked and I ended up completing my 10 miler the week before my event.  That really helped my confidence in knowing I could do 13.1  I had accidentally done a 9.5 on my 10K in Las Vegas.

It was really helpful that a friend let us stay at her place that was conveniently situated within walking distance of the start and the finish.  I did the requisite preparations.  Carbohydrates the night before.  Plenty of hydration.  I stood in line for the bathroom until it was time to start.  I had my gels and salt twists.  I didn’t get a playlist together but I have Apple Music on my phone.

It really was the hardest thing I have ever done.  I just kept moving forward.  I ran as much as I could, which ended up being a lot more than I anticipated.  My calve cramps were the only things I stopped for.  They didn’t really start until after mile 8 and I did a brief stretch out on the curb a couple of times to get through.  I drank water at the water stations, Gatorade when it was offered.  I used 1 gel and it was probably not the best idea.  It really made my stomach hurt after about a mile after taking it. The end of the course had some downhills, which I appreciated.  I finished stronger than I thought I would.

Afterward I kind of felt drunk.  I could only move slow and my thinking wasn’t really where it should have been.  I had recovery food (banana) and waited for my friend to finish the full marathon.  Stopping was the hardest part.  Sitting was awful until it was time to get up and then THAT was awful.  I did get to enjoy Gavin DeGraw as the headliner though!

The walk back up to my friend’s house was SLOW.  Everything hurt.  All 3 of us were beat up and miserable.  I don’t really remember what we did or what we ate that day, but I do remember that the next day was NOT as awful as I thought it would be.  I went to Bloom and got Traumeel in my shot.  I used my plantar fasciitis braces.  I was more okay than I expected to be.

So from thinking that I’d be “one and done” I’m actually considering doing this race again next year.  I don’t think that RnR Las Vegas in November is in the cards.  I still think that with better conditioning and with less weight to run with I could actually have a much better time at this.


What the hell did I sign up for?

Tomorrow I’m doing the Rock n Roll San Diego Half Marathon Relay with my dude.  I’m all in.  But I’d be lying if I told you I was prepared.  I am not.

My last 5K - friends, fun, but not a great pace.

My last 5K – friends, fun, but not a great pace.

When I started this blog I was trying to develop a love affair with running.  I don’t necessarily think that happened.  I acknowledge that running is helpful for building cardio endurance, and in general, it’s probably a good life skill.  Eventually we are all running from or to something!  Races became a way to make sure I got a decent workout and to be able to track my progress.  It was fun, it was something I could do with friends, or my dude – and sometimes I did it all alone.

The 5K distance is easy, I did a 10K in December with little trouble.  I should be fine, right?  I’m not so sure.  I’ve scaled down workouts and ramped up nutrition lately.  I’ve been putting just 4 hours a week in.  That’s a BIG change from where I was in November.  But, I generally feel pretty good.  I hope that I am just psyching myself out on this.

However, I am leaner than I ever have been.  I have a pretty physically demanding job now that I’ve adapted very well to.  I can go hard for 2 or more hours.  I’m only in for 6 miles.  I can *do* this.

This race is going to be probably only one of 3 I do this year.  That’s a big change from one a month that I tried to do a few years ago.  I have less t-shirts and medals to show for it, but I concentrate more on the performance.  I’m going to bed early, I’ve been avoiding dairy.  I’m trying to hydrate.  My infection still hasn’t cleared 100% and the antibiotics are going to make sunscreen really important.

So here I go (tomorrow).  I’ll see you on the other side of the finish.