Equipment Malfunction

I completed the Resolution Run 5K this weekend, despite being totally unprepared. Seriously, the night before I was drinking a margarita, munching on tortilla chips saying “Oh crap! 5K tomorrow! I have to be up at 5 to eat!”

I kept thinking this was a terrible idea that morning while getting ready, and stepping outside the house to rain only made me regret it even more. But we parked just before the sun came up and miraculously it stopped raining. I set up my iPod and got ready to rock it.


My pace was good, I bunny hopped around slow people and chose a guy to chase. Around mile 1 I could tell my feet were sliding around too much and I felt the start of a blister on the right ball of my foot. By the half way turn around I was starting to lose my quarry because my pace was slipping from the blister forming. At mile 2 I noticed the left foot felt like it was also blistering. I passed mile 3 and the right blister popped. I passed a couple I couldn’t quite get ahead of, finally and pushed through the finish.

Happily, I got a Finisher’s medal! Unhappily, I limped my way back to the car to wait for my husband to finish the 15K. I checked my sock and it was wet with blood and whatever else blisters are made of. My time wasn’t a PR , but considering I was pretty unhappy with my feet, I’ll take it.

I hobbled around the rest of the day, woke up shortly after falling asleep with my feet in fiery pain that kept me up. But it passed, I’m better, and I bought new shoes today. Also, I’m seeing a new podiatrist for insoles next week.


Friend Makin’ Monday: Simple Questions

Once again, I’m getting to FMM a little late. I was out of commission most of yesterday. I had an endoscopy to check out some digestive problems I’ve been having. It’s nice to be back walking upright today!

Without further ado… Here’s to FMM. Answer on your own blog, post over at All The Weigh so everyone can see what you are up to.

1. Outside my window I see… a beautiful Southern California day! I have the sliding glass door open, getting in some nice light and heat!

2. My kitchen counters are… teal tile. Original 70’s decor from the builder and I love it.

3. Yesterday I drank… water, Gatorade, and a large syringe full Lidocaine (had an endoscopy).

4. My cell phone is… fabulous! I upgraded to a iPhone 4S this past Fall and it is so much better than the stupid Android phone I had before. Imagine if you will, a phone that actually WORKS.

5. My computer is… sometimes something that I feel I am chained to.

6. My favorite reality show is… Anything Kardashian.

7. My workouts are… getting better all the time. Even with my terrible blisters, I trained today and did well. I really do get a high from lifting lots of heavy weight.

8. The last book I read is… so far behind my memory, I can’t even remember what it would be. That’s terrible!

9. My week will be…. better than the one before. That’s all I can strive for.

10. So far 2013 has been… pretty busy, fairly intense.

This is a photo from last year of our new stove, and it also shows the groovy teal tile in our kitchen.

This is a photo from last year of our new stove, and it also shows the groovy teal tile in our kitchen.

Reboot, Reset, Regroup

I stepped on the scale today and I really didn’t like what I saw. Instead of getting angry with myself, going back to bed, or looking for the nearest sweet, I did something different. My rational brain spoke louder than any other voice in my head. “Well, why are you surprised? It’s been holiday time. You were given 2 plates of cookies. You had company and were out to eat every day. You drank quite a bit. And then there’s the NYE party where you drank more than quite a bit. This isn’t rocket science, kid. Time to get back to business.”

That’s what I’m doing. I’m eating breakfast. I have a healthy lunch planned. I have work to keep me busy all morning and not hanging out of the refrigerator.

I also have to remember that I’m keeping up with training, and that’s AWESOME. Yesterday I hit the strength deck hard, shredding my abs, and I’m upright and smiling about it all today. There are victories everywhere.

On days when my face won't smile, I can always refer to my smiling teeth cast to get through.

On days when my face won’t smile, I can always refer to my smiling teeth cast to get through.

Friend Makin’ Monday (on a Tuesday night): 2013

Maybe I missed the Monday release, but it’s never too late. I wanted to do an end of the year/start of the year post anyway, and this really sums up what I want to say.

Thank you for reading my blog this year. It really means a lot to me that people read what I write here. This has become a great avenue for me to keep track of myself, get my feelings out, work things out in writing, and be more transparent about my health and fitness reality.

It’s been a big year for me. I’ve done a great job in my training in 2012. And as a result of seeking help through a therapist in 2011, 2012 was been a mentally healthy year. I see my value now. I see that everyone has the same body image issues, the same feelings of low self worth. You are never alone. My situation is unique to me, but it’s okay. We all are in the same boat, just trying to find ways to be happy. I’ve stopped with the negative self talk, I’m taking time to be kind to myself. It’s making an incredible difference.

So this is Friend Makin’ Monday. These are my answers. Take a look and then answer them on your own blog. Head on over to All The Weigh to share with everyone else.

Happy 2013 everyone!

Happy 2013 everyone!

1. Share one thing that you plan to do for yourself in 2013. I’m going to cut out negative influences and emotional vampires out from my life. There are a few that I care about, but I care about myself more.

2. Share a good habit that you will continue doing into the new year. I’ve really got myself in a good head space this year. I’ve stopped beating myself up mentally. My self esteem is great, my insecurity is low, and I want to make sure I keep that up.

3. Do you make new year’s make resolutions? If so, do you typically stick to them? I am not a big resolution person, but I do believe in goal setting. New Years Resolution is a lot of pressure. I’m looking at it more of a reboot period. The only one I’ve ever stuck with is in 1999 my resolution was to balance my checkbook. I did this for one year. And then not again!

4. Do you have any health goals for the new year? 2012 was the year I got in to healthy gym habits. It was also the year I got strong. My strength training has been phenomenal, and I’ve lost around 20 lb. But, I’m ready to kick it up. 2013 is going to be about building on all I’ve done and really kick the fat burning into high gear.

5. Share one thing that you plan to do in January. I’m doing a 5K next weekend and I intend to set a PR.

6. Do you have any travel plans for the coming year? If so, where are you most excited to go? I’m planning on going back to Maine in April for my birthday, a dear friend’s birthday, and the 50th anniversary party for my sorority chapter at my college. I’m looking forward to catching up with family and my incredible friends and sorority sisters.

7. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Since I’m writing after the fact – we threw a small party at our home for some friends. We dress up in formal wear and play fairly raunchy party games. This year was Cards Against Humanity.

8. What are your resolutions for 2013? Keep up at the gym. Lose some fat. Eat cleaner. Give myself the tools I need to be happy.

9. What are you looking forward to most over the next 12 months? I’m looking forward to starting my business. And I’m also excited to be the President of my sorority’s alumnae chapter here in SD.

10. Share something unique that you hope to do in 2013. I’m going to do a sprint triathlon.